
Christopher Gardener's Pursuit of Happyness

After a bit of a hiatus, I'm back with a quick update that will hopefully inspire entrepreneur’s who are just starting out and think it's impossible to become successful.

Chris Gardner told his incredible rags to riches story to the public a few years ago.

We hear many stories of single mothers struggling to raise their kids against all odds, but rarely do we ever hear of single fathers going through the same type of struggle.

After a leaving the navy, he set his began to pursue a medical career, but one day he was struck by the sight of Wall Street broker getting out his brand new sports car.

Gardener approached the man and commented on how nice his car was. Then he asked, "What do you do and how do I do it? "began pursuing his goal to become a stockbroker, Armed with his new found information Gardener began training as a stockbroker but through a series of unfortunate events and personal problems he found himself homeless on the on the streets of San Francisco struggling to raise his young son. Gardner who was raised by his stepfather and grew up with the emotional void of not knowing his father was determined to not let it happen to his son.

Gardner, who had no education beyond a high school degree, defied impossibilities and eventually pulled himself up to become a stockbroker and built his own multi-million dollar business through a combination of determination, will power and action steps.

Now Gardner's saga is being made into a motion picture event with Will Smith starring as the role of Gardener, the film is scheduled to be released this December. You can view the trailer here.

For those who can't wait for the release of the film you can purchase the book The Pursuit of Happyness at your local book retailer. (for those wondering, the misspelling of "happiness" is intentional) Hope for the hopeless.


Accepting Submissions and Contibutions

Due to the increased activity of my businesses I'll be unable to make posts on a daily basis. I'd rather give an insightful post every week rather than give a "quick post" everyday just to post something.

But, to keep the momentum going we will be accepting user contributed content related to working at home and small business. Only original content will be accepted (copyrighted content not allowed). Also, please include your website address so I can link to your website within the post to give you credit for your work.

If you'd like to see your work on this blog send your submission to


Alex Tew: Six Month Millionaire

People are still buzzing about millionaire college student, Alex Tew. Tew is the creator of the

For those who don't know much about Tew his project began by raising money for his college tuition and ended up making 1 million dollars in just 6 months selling pixels as ad space on his website. You can find more on his story

This leaves many thinking while it's still very hard to make a good amount of money on the internet in a short amount of time it is still possible to do it starting from scratch. But don't be fooled, you will not make it without any effort, spending time and money. You'll will need to spend money (a lot of it) to recreate Alex Tew's results.

Unfortunately, the media made Tew's process seem incredibly easy and even sugar coated much of it. Most people think he slapped up a website and began racking in thousands of dollars in just a few seconds. One thing which lead to Tew's success was his ability to market his site and the media attention it received as a result. Internet marketing is a crucial skill for any webmaster. You can have the best site in the world but if no one knows it exists you will never make any money.

Another result from all the fame and wealth website received were clone websites which sprang up all over the net hoping achieve the same results. People saw a young college student racking in all this money so they thought "if he can do it I can too." While following in the footsteps of successful people is good, blatantly copying them is not. None of them ever did achieve the level of success Tew did because the idea had already been done.

In-order to make sense out of all the online money maddness you need to keep in mind while it's a good motivator to have massive profits as your goal when starting an online business it is incredibly hard for the average webmaster to achieve millions within their first year online. You stand a better chance of winning the lottery than trying achieve the million dollar mark. Lower your short term profits goals down to a more realistic value and than increase them once you reach them. You can make one million until you know howto make one dollar.

Also, Keep in mind, Tew's success was born from a very original idea no one had ever thought of, months of preparation and past expeirence to fall back on.

Tew's advice for people just starting out is: "be prepared to fail, be creative, make sure there is money in the market your going after, never give up." If you want to learn more about how Tew accomplish his amazing entrepreneurial feat be on the look out for his ebook which is due out this August.


Public Announcement About Work at Home Schemes

We've all come across them at one time or another, the get rich quick info-products which promise to make you a thousand's of dollars per week for little or no effort at all.

The truth of the matter is, the get rich quick solution doesn't exist. People who are new to working at home often get sucked into the $29.95 information products or that Craigslist ad which conjures up images of Ferrari's, mansions and a life of wealth.

Though, you have to stop and ask yourself this question before doing anything; if something makes the publisher thousands of dollars a week why in the world would they sell you their secret? The answer is they most likely wouldn't. The only person who's getting rich quickly are the people selling you the concept of getting rich quickly.

When venturing into the online world and depending on the internet to provide income you need to live off of, to actually pay the bills, you cannot afford allow your emotions or ego to cloud your judgment otherwise you will never make any money. Do your research before you buy anything Do a little detective work at sites like or You'll save yourself a lot of wasted time.

Instead of chasing the get rich in a week scheme or the latest and greatest opportunity your time would be better spent turning your passion into a business and learning valuable marketing skills to build your business.You may not get rich quick but you will make money if you stay focused and act on a realistic business strategy.


Locally Advertising Online

After a bit of a delay we're back.

For those who have a business online which caters to residents in your area getting the word out about your business can be difficult. has three ways to advertise to your desired audience.

The most well known of these three ways is by advertising through Craigslist, the super charged online classifieds.


Making Millions In Between Classes

When most people think of the typical college student they think of partying, fraternities and anything else that comes with college life. They don't often think of a student diligently running his lucrative business.

There's one not so typical freshman college student who is doing the extraordinary, earning millions of dollars through his own business.

You can see a video of the story at CNN.


How To Write Your ebook: Part II

Due to inquiries I received about my earlier post this week on ebooks I thought it would be beneficial to create a series of posts about how to write and sell an ebook.

Here are a few things to consider before writing your ebook.

1. What should you write about?

There are a variety of topics you can write about. Anyone can write about virtually anything. But most importantly write about what you know. In my first post I stressed everyone has an ebook inside of them because everyone knows about a certain topic. If you are unsure of writing a how-to guide about what you know you can write a fictional ebook. But take into consideration ebooks about time sensitive information (such as celebrity fashion or SEO techniques) sell more quickly than fictional ebooks.

One reason for this is because readers are searching for quick answers and want to be able to get information instantly to apply techniques quickly. Another reason is due to the nature of modern convinces, people have been condition for instantaneous results.

2. Do Your Research

Will your ebook sell? Is there a ready and waiting market? If so, Where are these people located on the internet?

Almost any ebook will sell when sold to the right target market. As I said earlier though, how to guides and information about time sensitive markets sells more quickly. But that shouldn't stop someone planning on writing an ebook about crochet patterns from trying to market it.

The key is to target your niche market with expert precision. Ken Evoy, president of Site Sell, made a profit windfall by selling an "impossible product" about Penny Stocks to people who were actively searching for it. Target marketing is key not only for ebook success but also for your website's success.

Targeting your niche market is twice as easy when you are a member of your target market. Writing about what you know makes the marketing process easier because you know where to go when marketing your ebook.

If you find your topic is available elsewhere or if the competition of your ebook topic is high, think about what you can do to stand above the rest. How can you approach the subject differently to stand out?

Be on the look out for more information about marketing and selling your ebook. If you found this article helpful discover how to write and publish your own eBook... in as little as 7 days.


26 Ways to Grow Your Business

Now that you have gotten past the busy work stage it's time to grow your business. has 26 ways to help grow your business including moving to a different location, opening another location, hiring subcontractors, and exploring e-commerce.


Getting Past the Busy Work

We are all guilty of doing it, procrastinating when we should really be doing something else.

Procrastination is an efficiency killer for many new entrepreneurs who fall into a cycle of spending days, weeks and even months staying "busy" without actually doing any real business or work.

This time is spent usually doing small task which you know should come after doing more important work, browsing fourms and checking email. It's easier to stay in your mental comfort zone rather than networking, apply those SEO techniques you learned yesterday or actually paying for advertising.

Here are a few things you can do to move forward and get some real work done

1. Make a To Do List
Make a list of all the things you need to get done today, tomorrow this week, next week and within the month. As you go through the list getting things done you'll find yourself adding more things to the list of things to do and this will get you moving forward towards your end of the month goal. Keep this list around your work area so it is ready at hand and visible to remind you of the important task to be done. Be sure to jot down ideas when they occur to you also.

2. Keep Your Steps Small
It can be overwhelming when you look at your month's goal and not know how you’re going to reach it. You need a plan of action to bridge the connection. It is important to keep your steps small in the beginning so you can reach your goals. (Sidebar: don't set unrealsitic goals such as make "$100,000 by next week" if you're just starting out. Before you make $100,000 you first have to make $1) For example if you want to get up a flight of stairs you need to walk up one step at a time. If you try to jump up them all at once to get to the landing you're really going to hurt yourself. Keep these tasks small and manageable so you'll be able to get them done and move on to the next one. Eventually you will reach your goal, maybe even surpass it.

3. Get That First Customer
No matter what business you're in or whether you do business online or offline, without customers you don't have a business. Finding those first few customers is very challenging. A first customer doesn't have to be a stranger it can be a freind or family member. Give that friend or family member who needs what you have to offer a discount. If they like your business that friend or family member will eventually recommend your business to someone they know who needs what you have to offer. Freinds and family also make great advertiser's for your business.

But don't wait for that friend or family member to spread the word about how great your business is, use part of their payment to advertise online or offline(preferably both). Cheap methods do exist so don't spend a small fortune advertising.

4. Forget about Being Perfect
For new small business it's hard to move past the fact that they aren't the perfect business with all the tools they need and big budget. Forget about being the perfect business or having ideal conditions and work with what you have now and use your strengths to leverage for development and growth. When you starting out you are entitled to not be perfect. Just don't take this too far otherwise your cutomers will flee in mass. Just because you're the one man show in you're bedroom doesn't mean you have to appear that way to the public.

5. Believe in Yourself and Your Business
This may sound cheesy, but if you don't believe in your business how do your expect customers or anyone else to either? You need to give a good impression about your business. It all starts with changing the way you talk about it.

Talk about your company like it already is a business, not like it will be a company some day, it seems you're not really committed to what you‘re doing to people you relate this information too. What you're also doing to yourself subconciously is you are mentally conditioning yourself to treat it as a part time hobby. A Business is a business not a hobby. People go into business not to pursue a hobby but to make money, it doesn't matter which way you cut it either.

So instead of saying "I'm kinda starting my own business" to family or friends say "I own my own business," this shows them you're really serious about what you're doing and it also comes in handy to stop the nay-sayer's and skeptics from telling you to "get a real job."

6. Look Ahead to the Future
A good way to see if what you're doing right now is going to get you to your end of the month goal is to look at what you're doing right now. Will reading email get you their? Probably not. Stop reading email, don't go to fourms and chat; do some serious work which won’t waste valuable time and more importantly get you moving forward toward your goals.

7. Remember Your Purpose
When you reach those tasks you think you chate to do and would rather eat glass than, remind yourself of your initial dreams you had on the very first day you started out on the long road. What purpose is this work serving you? What dreams did you have for yourself? Do you want to be financially free? Travel the world? Just have more time to spend with the kids? The purpose of your work is to turn those dreams into reality.

If you can't think of a purpose or don't have a dream stop everything and think long and hard about why you're the things you do everyday. You need a dream, purpose or goal to motivate you through the tough times.

8. Finally, buddy up with a friend to help you get the work done or get someone who will motivate you when you need it. You can even form a joint venture to work more efficently. If you don't have a someone who wants to team up with you, online forums are a good alternative. Find a forum which deals with other like mindied people or you will learn a lot seek out a member or two to partner up with. As they say two minds are better than one.



Believe it or not many stay at home moms are using their time to build successful businesses. If you're a stay at home mom and are wondering what separates these women from yourself the answer is nothing other than the tools. has a great resource center on helping moms gain insight into all the necessary tools they need to build a successful business and advice from successful Mompreneur's

Another great resource is the free ebook Work at Home Master's Course written by four successful work at home mothers. The guide not only gives you the knowledge to become successful but also gives you the process to stay on the road of success. From tips and tricks to tried and true methods to succeed at home to case studies of successful work at home moms, it is the essential guide for those looking to work at home.