
Staying Focused

Many new and even seasoned internet marketers find it hard to stay focused on their tasks. When you work online it can be nearly impossible to get anything accomplished when you run across new opportunities, are tempted to visit websites, watch videos, check email, browse forums, listen to tele-seminars, browse Google and do other distracting online activities. Not to mention other offline distractions.

Here are a couple things you can do to diminish distractions.

1. Work Alone in a Quiet Space

If you have young children you'll understand how crucial it is to work in a quiet space where other people can't distract you. It seems just about when you're ready to start working you're barraged by request to do something or help with something.

Now, there's nothing more important to me than my family but when I need to work I must get down to work. Go to a quiet space and carve out a solid amount of time where you can be productive. If someone else is in the room with you while you're working you run the possibility of getting distracted.

[Sidebar- For those starting out you'll want to spend this time setting up automated systems so you won't be a slave to your computer. Automated income is the best way to keep you and your family are happy. The point of staring a business is so you can live a better life, not become a workaholic.]

2. Throw Your TV Out the Window

That's right. Turn it off and get rid of it. When I was starting out I would find myself wondering what was on TV. I would go over to and check my local listing. If anything interested me I would say to myself "well, I'll only watch a little."

Before you knew it I was watching an hour of more of TV. I now know that I was psychologically avoiding something I knew I had to do and procrastinating by watching TV. Procrastination is a surefire way to make sure nothing gets done.

If you find yourself doing this remember you can always record what you miss on Tivo or better yet, you can probably find what you miss on YouTube. YouTube is the media source with anything and everything, which brings me to my third point.

3. Get Rid of Internet Distractions

While it may be fun to look for online videos check you stats, check email, browse forums, you can literally waste hours doing these activities. Force yourself not to do any of your favorite internet time wasters until you've gotten some real work done and can see actual results from your efforts.

If you don't see results don't give up and give into temptation, try again and again. When you see results than reward yourself with your favorite activity.

If you don't actually have the will power to prevent yourself from engaging in your favorite online activities there is actually software which will block these activities for you.

By implementing at least one of these strategies you'll find your productivity going up and your goals much closer than you thought.

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