
7 PLR Articles for $5 Each

I'm having an ongoing sale of 7 PLR articles for $7 each. You can also purchase the entire pack at a reduced price of $25.

Save time and money with your article marketing by purchasing PLR articles that are ready to go. Use them for article marketing purposes or resell them. (Rights listed at the bottom of page) The articles are between 300-600 words.

Here are the titles of the articles for sale:

-How to Find Wholesale Items for Ebay
-Buying a Car Online
-Online Dating - 3 Tips to Online Dating Success
-Apartment Hunting- How to Find an Inexpensive Apartment
-Using Viral Videos to Market Products
-How to Recover a Lost Word Document
-How to Get Rid of Acne and Pimples

The articles come with a bonus of series of mp3 audios on what really works in internet marketing and a series of videos that can really help you grow your business this year.

Right and Terms of Use

The PLR Rights if purchased include:
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be sold at any price you wish
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[YES] Can be edited completely and your name put on it
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights to Your Edited Copy
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights to Your Edited Copy
[YES] Can be sold via auction sites - Your Edited Copy
[YES] Can be added to an e-course or autoresponder as content
[YES] Can be used as web content
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights (including PLR Membership Sites)
[NO] Can sell Resale Rights to the PLR Source
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights to the PLR Source
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites (PLR Source)
[NO] Can be given away

Articles will be delivered in RTF format (Wordpad) to your email.


Online Video Marketing

Online video has exploded in popularity within the past couple of years. Internet users can use it to view just about any type of content imaginable. The combination of broadband internet and websites like YouTube make online video easily, accessible and popular for internet users.

Recent surveys indicate people in some countries are starting to watch more online video than T.V. Moviegoer attendance in US has gone though the rates of people watching online video have gone up and are increasing everyday.

This creates an opportunity for internet marketers in every niche because online video is an effective means of marketing. Why video is a very effective way of marketing is because it is more animated than static text on a page. Video comes to life with the push of a button, you can see the subject, you can hear and see the concepts they are talking about and is more engaging than reading text.

With this in mind using video and striving to create viral video should become a high priority for internet marketers. So, how can you make a successful viral video campaign? Here are three simple ways to increase the chances of having your video going viral.

1. Create good valuable content.

Content is still king whether it is streaming video or static text on a page. Good content that is valuable and improves the life of those within your target niche, even in the slightest way, will be appreciated and even shared. The better the quality the content in the video the more likely it will be viewed and shared.

2. Make your video short

You only have so much time to grab the viewers attention so make the most of it. Strive to make your videos no longer than 5 minutes long to increase the chances of it going viral. Make it short, memorable and connect with your target audience.

3. Keep it simple.

Some of the most clever viral videos have revolved around simple concepts. If you are in selling an ebook on dog training put up a videos of puppies. Or if your in the music niche put up a video of you giving a simple music lesson and embed your website URL in the video. (Don't forget to direct viewers to your site)

It's not that hard to make a video and upload it online and it doesn't have to be hard for a video to go viral within your niche. Don't try to create a viral video attempting to get everyone on the internet to view it and share it. Your can't appeal to everyone. Just create it for your niche or target audience. Create good content, make it short and keep it simple and you'll increase your chances of getting more people to view your video.