
Reaching Goals: Give Yourself a Reason

After nearly a month long holiday break I'm back.

There's nothing more important to me than family and friends and it was good to take a break from my business and spend some time with the one's I love. It feels good to work when I want where I want and be able to do what I want. But my business is not only about my wants, it's was started with others in mind.

Many people get started online without first setting a definitive, specific goal. Goal setting is a crucial step to becoming successful in anything.

The goal of starting your own business is not just to make lot's of money, it's to get freedom to do... what you want, when you want, where you want.

When you give yourself a better reason to reach or finally go for your goals and eventually become successful. Your specific, individual reason will change something inside of you. Something will click and you will become driven to achieve your goal(s) more readily than if you just state a vague goal.

For some people it's the goal to live a certain lifestyle. Have the dream house, luxury car(s) and the power to buy what you want.

For others it's about family. They want their kid's to get a great education. They want to see their parent's not have to work for someone else. When you incorporate others into your goals you give yourself greater power to archive them because your doing it for someone. Your success becomes their success.

One of my favorite mantra's is the more money I make the more money I can give back.

What's your reason to achieve your goals? Is it about living the life? Being your own boss? Family?

Give yourself a specific reason and watch your success increase.

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