
IM PSA: Is Internet Marketing Hurting Your Health?

Another Internet marketing public service announcement today this time about a topic I don’t hear much discussion of in the IM community. How healthy is Internet marketing for you?

I’m not asking if it’s healthy to make money online, that’s very healthy for you and your bank account. I’m talking about if it’s healthy to sit in front of the computer for a good chunk of the day everyday? Many internet marketers spend hours working in front of their computer working daily.

There are many health related issues with working in front of the computer for long periods of time everyday: muscle pain, eyestrain, and fatigue among others. I’m not a doctor (as a general cavet) but I know it isn’t good to sit in one place for extended periods of time everyday.

Sitting for long periods of time can cause back pain and all sorts of muscle strain in your neck, legs and arms. In fact long periods of sedentary activity could put you at risk of a blood clot if you don’t take any breaks to get up and move around.

Using a mouse can wear out your wrist and banging away on the keyboard writing your articles or ebook can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.

Looking at a computer screen for long periods of time can strain your eyes and even increase your risk of sight problems (specifically macular degeneration) down the road when you’re a senior citizen.

Than there’s the issue of radiation from your computer screen. Studies show computer screens (especially CRT screens) emit a low level of radiation. Constant, daily exposure to computer screens increases the amount of radiation you are exposed to. (As a general rule of thumb sit at least 2 feet away from the screen)

Stress is another unhealthy side effect of IM. Product launches, expanding products, project management, time management can all cause stress, big time.

Here’s what to do to improve your IM health: outsource your tasks so you don’t have to be a slave to the computer all day everyday. You got into internet marketing because you wanted to be free from a job; even if you supplemented your income you may have made your business into an online job for yourself. That’s not only hurting your income that’s hurting your health too.

Divide your tasks up to freelancers on Craigslist or elance. Get someone to help you even if you don’t have the money and you have to get your spouse to help get the tasks done. You can even read the 4 Hour Work Week with the free time you have.

When your body starts to ache and your eyes get strained than its time to get away from the computer for an hour or two and take a break. No, not browsing websites or plopped in front of the TV. Get out and enjoy the day. Spend time with family and friends. It’s Summer time. Get outside and away from your computer and enjoy life. Than tomorrow make outsourcing a top priority so you can get more done and you don't have to be a slave to the computer.

You’ll thank yourself later.

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