
Quest for Success

The life long question of what creates success has sent people on quests to find this mysterious "secret." Scholars have studied it intensely from their armchairs and many have scrutinized and analyzed it for years.

In all truth there really is no "universal secret" to success, the secret is inside of you. It is individual to each person. In fact, it is probably right under your nose and you don't even know it. Every one, yes every single person on this planet, has something special inside of them just waiting to flourish into success.

It could be a skill, ability, a piece of knowledge or even a personality trait that people are just waiting for. Yes, there are actually people, at this very moment, waiting for your special skill to become know to them.

What we hear and know about success only plants the seeds we already possess to provide the water and light to make those seeds grow. It may sound cheesy, cliché, trite etc... but it is true.

The key to success is inside of you.

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