
Public Announcement About Work at Home Schemes

We've all come across them at one time or another, the get rich quick info-products which promise to make you a thousand's of dollars per week for little or no effort at all.

The truth of the matter is, the get rich quick solution doesn't exist. People who are new to working at home often get sucked into the $29.95 information products or that Craigslist ad which conjures up images of Ferrari's, mansions and a life of wealth.

Though, you have to stop and ask yourself this question before doing anything; if something makes the publisher thousands of dollars a week why in the world would they sell you their secret? The answer is they most likely wouldn't. The only person who's getting rich quickly are the people selling you the concept of getting rich quickly.

When venturing into the online world and depending on the internet to provide income you need to live off of, to actually pay the bills, you cannot afford allow your emotions or ego to cloud your judgment otherwise you will never make any money. Do your research before you buy anything Do a little detective work at sites like or You'll save yourself a lot of wasted time.

Instead of chasing the get rich in a week scheme or the latest and greatest opportunity your time would be better spent turning your passion into a business and learning valuable marketing skills to build your business.You may not get rich quick but you will make money if you stay focused and act on a realistic business strategy.

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ehanson said...
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